杨干象Cryptorrhynchus Lapathi Linne是东北、华北、西北地区杨树的主要蛀干害虫,其寄生天敌在国内尚未见报道。1984年作者在辽宁省沈阳市兴隆店林场上千亩林地进行系统调查的过程中,发现杨干象幼虫被一种兜姬蜂Doli-chomitus sp.寄生。该寄生蜂一年为不完全的二代,越冬寄主是杨树蛀梢害虫——青杨天牛幼虫,越夏寄主是杨干象幼虫。雌蜂对寄主是营外寄生生活的,为单寄生。7月下旬,寄生蜂
Cryptorrhynchus Lapathi Linne is the main stem borer of poplar in Northeast, North China and Northwest China. Its parasitic natural enemies have not been reported in China yet. In 1984, during a systematic investigation of thousands of mu of forest land in Xinglongdian Forest Farm, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, the author found that larvae of Tsanggan larvae were parasitized by Doli-chomitus sp. The parasitic wasp one year for the second generation is not complete, the host is the winter overwintering insect pests - Cyanistris larvae, the summer host is Yang dry larvae. Female bees on the host camp outside the parasite life, as a single parasitic. In late July, parasitic wasps