改革之风给马陵山麓吹来了融融春意,工农业生产日新月异,经济发展突飞猛进,城镇建设繁花似锦。江苏省宿迁市服装总厂就是这万花丛中的一朵奇葩。八度春秋,企业从亏损到扭亏为盈,1993年实现利税187万元,94年又创历史最好水平,使一个名不见经传的集体小厂一跃跨入全省服装行业的先进行列,成为淮阴市服装企业中的佼佼者,其成功的奥秘是什么呢?厂长杨勤顺向我们作了详细的介绍。 “企业发展是硬道理,只有不断发展才有出路,徘徊不前就意味着落后,落后就要挨打” 宿迁市服装总厂始建于1956年,建厂近30年一直裹足不前,到1985年企业更陷入严
The wind of reform has brought spring and spring to the Maling Mountains, with the rapid development of industrial and agricultural production, the rapid development of economic development, and the flourishing development of towns and cities. Suqian City Garment Factory in Jiangsu Province is a wonderful flower in this million flowers. In the octave season, from loss to profit, the company realized profits and taxes of 1.87 million yuan in 1993, and created the best level in history in 1994, making a small group of little-known plants leap into the ranks of the clothing industry in the province. What became the secret of success in Huaiyin City’s clothing company? Director Yang Qinshun made a detailed introduction to us. “Enterprise development is the absolute truth. Only by continuous development will there be a way out. If you don’t mean to be backward, you will lag behind and you will fall behind.” Suqian City Garment General Factory was founded in 1956. It has been building factories for nearly 30 years and has been unable to wait until 1985. More serious