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中药历史源远流长,本草著述种类繁多,收罗宏富。自《神农本草经》以降,历代本草均有增删添补。这是数千年来中华民族用药物治疗疾病的经验总结,是一笔极为珍贵的医学遗产。但是由于历史久远、地域广大,中药同名异物,古今异名的现象普遍存在。即使是同一种药物,炮制方法不同,药性也有差异。这种情况导致了中药工作的复杂性,给临床、科研带来一定困难。本文仅从本草学的角度,谈一下处方用药中存在的问题。古今异名使用错误如:“木通”,《神农本草经》和唐《新修本草》皆称谓“通草”。《神农本草经》通草条下载:“通利九窍血脉关节”,《新修本草》载:“此物大者径三寸,每节 The history of traditional Chinese medicine goes back to ancient times. Materia Medica wrote a wide variety of articles and collected Luo Hongfu. Since the “Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing” was descended, all the ancient Chinese herbal medicines were added, deleted, and supplemented. This is a summary of the experience of the Chinese people in the treatment of diseases with drugs for thousands of years. It is an extremely precious medical heritage. However, because of its long history and vast geographical area, the phenomena of foreign objects with the same names as the traditional Chinese medicines are common. Even if it is the same drug, the processing method is different and the drug properties are also different. This situation has led to the complexity of the work of traditional Chinese medicine and brought certain difficulties to clinical and scientific research. This article only talks about the problems in prescription medicine from the point of view of Materia Medica. Different ancient and modern names were misused, such as “Mouton”, “Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing” and Tang “Newly Revised Materia Medica”. “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica” through the grass to download: “Tongli Nine Dragon Blood Joints”, “Newly Revised Materia Medica” contains: "This object is larger than three inches, each section
硫枣散是崔炳泰老中医常用方。在临床上用于便血的治疗,收效较为满意,现介绍如下: 药物组成:硫黄120克,大枣40个(去核)。制法:把硫黄压为细末,均匀放砂锅内,将大枣放在硫黄
例1 刘某,男,40岁,1971年6月24日初诊。患者于1971年3月20日,突然寒热,食欲减退,渐觉胁痛,面目及小便发黄,在某铁路医院诊为“急性黄疸型肝炎”。经治三个月,病情未见好转,