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上海外滩边,浦江西岸风格迥异的古典建筑,和浦东陆家嘴金融区高耸入云的现代建筑群遥相对望,相互辉映。黄浦江在这片既怀旧又现代、既幽静又活跃的土地上奔腾不息,一如既往地升华着上海的城市哲学。此时,阵阵清泉也在氛围别具一格的悦榕 spa 里欢乐地穿行,这个座落于外滩边威斯汀酒店的 Spa 馆,正用一种崭新的泉疗的概念和设计,诠释着这座都市的外在和内涵、过往和未来。步入以金、木、水、火、土、阴和阳命名的泉疗室内部,便不难发现:泉浴的整体构思依据的是中国古代的五行原理,不仅泉疗项目的概念融合了五行生克的传统养生理念和阴阳平衡的中医哲理,其室内设计的主题也由此而生。在各个主题鲜明的泉疗室内,也融入了极具中国特色的色彩和布料。来自微观世界或哲学的主题元素,被简炼而有节制地设计放大,最终演绎在环境中,成为一种氛围:既有 Spa馆的清幽和欢快,又有城市生活的传统和现代。而 Spa 所有的设计,都围绕着一种最简单不过的思路进行,那就是“把自己沉浸在欢愉中,离开的时候,确保已经得到了元气的补充”。 Along the Bund in Shanghai, the classical buildings of the Pujiang River, with their different styles, and the towering modern buildings of Pudong’s Lujiazui financial district are facing each other. The Huangpu River is always on the land that is both old-fashioned, modern, quiet and active, and it continues to sublimate the urban philosophy of Shanghai. At this time, the bursts of clear springs also joyfully walk through the unique atmosphere of the Banyan Tree Spa, located in the Spa Pavilion of the Westin Hotel on the Bund side, and is interpreting this concept with a brand-new concept and design of spring therapies. The exterior and connotation, the past and the future of the city. After entering the interior of the spring treatment room named after gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and yin and yang, it is not difficult to find that the overall concept of the spring bath is based on the ancient Chinese principles of the Five Elements, and not only the concept of the spring treatment project is integrated. The theme of the interior design was also derived from the traditional concept of health preservation and the philosophical philosophy of yin and yang balance. In the various themed springs, there are also colors and fabrics with Chinese characteristics. Elements of themes from the microcosmic world or philosophy are concisely and systematically designed to magnify. Eventually interpreted in the environment, it becomes an atmosphere: both the tranquility and cheerfulness of the spa, and the tradition and modernity of city life. All of Spa’s designs are based on one of the simplest ideas: “Indulge yourself in happiness, and when you leave, make sure that you have been supplemented by vital energy.”
全面了解美国高等教育体系。实地走访美国顶尖公立和私立大学,深入了解和体验不同类型的美国大学,从而发现最适合自己的美国理想大学。 A comprehensive understanding of t
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进入高三总复习,面对已学过的一大摞课本,我们常常强调课本习题化,同学们通过做大量的练习题来归纳、消化课本内容。这样,师生虽从厚厚的课本中跳了出来,却又陷入茫茫题海中。毕业班师生疲于奔命, 收获甚微。  提高英语总复习效率,敢问路在何方?  美国教育心理学家布鲁纳强调说:“不论我们选教什么学科,务必使学生理解该学科的基本结构。”他把“结构”的重要性提到了首位。  所谓结构,就是知识系统内部各要素之间
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