金庸 CFP供图 A photo of Jin Yong 2018年10月30日,一代武侠小说泰斗金庸逝世,享年94岁。 他给世界留下了由15部小说构建起的武侠世界。而对于故乡浙江,他留下的远多于此。金庸揮毫为母校题词。Jin Yong writes an inscription for Quzhou First MiddleSchool, which he attended in his t
Jin Yong (Louis Cha) passed away at the age of 94 on October 30, 2018. The author left behind him fifteen novels of the Wuxia world where heroes fight bad guys, right wrongs and practice justice in their own ways. A native of Zhejiang, Jin Yong gave his home province more than the bestsellers he wrote.
In a press interview he said, “One’s nostalgia about the home intensifies if one stays away from home for a very long time. Some memories of my childhood years in my home province are beautiful. I have been thinking I want to come back and stay here when I am really old.”
From the 1990s on, Jin Yong visited Zhejiang many times. He came to visit his relatives and his hometown Haining and he came to work and graced many important events. What he did and said in Zhejiang are now memories of many people, giving them emotional ties with the novelist who created a world of his own.
Zhejiang Peking Opera Troupe staged a gala at Global Village, a theme park in Dubai, from February 14 to 15, 2018. The troupe gave three performances during the two days at the park. The gala show was
小说《解密》为何能畅销全球 P Mai Jia Talks about Decoded with Two Translators 3月初,麦家的长篇小说小说《解密》,在其海外译本家族中又增添了波斯语版本。《解密》的创作跨度长达11年,先后被退稿了17次,最终却“逆袭”成功。目前,《解密》的简体中文版已经出版逾100万册,不仅在国内颇受赞誉,更是被翻译成30多个语种、在超过100个国家出版。
The 459-kilometer-long Qiantang River runs through Zhejiang Province with many tributaries flowing into it before the river merges into the East China Sea at the wide-open Hangzhou Bay. The Xu River i