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In China people oren work five days aweek.School children attend school five days In China people oren work five days aweek.School children attend school five days
一道闪电划破长空,一声炸雷从天而降。这时你要是在野外,应采取怎样的措施免遭雷击呢? A flash of lightning cut through the sky, and a thunderstorm dropped from heave
Mr Smith was an officer. On the 1 to his office he often saw a man 2 a pair of black glasses selling matches (火柴). The manhad a big old dog 3 him. The dog ha
人间四月天,鲜花烂漫时。花团锦簇中,初看花似花,细品花非花。 作为种子植物的有性生殖器官——花朵,除了繁衍的生物属性外,还可入药亦可入馔。从神农尝百草(花)到李时珍 A
今天缺少情节。所以,我在郁闷的步履中走向繁华大街。 年轻的时候,我渴望一场惊世骇俗的爱情,而今,一切似乎尘埃落定。10年前,我对T说:兄弟,女孩子尽在我掌握之中,在你谈好
Have you ever seen an animal with-out a head?There is such an ani-mal!It has no tail or legs.Its bodyiS full of holes. It eats and breathes butnever moves. It
There are many kinds of animals in theworld.And I like the elephants best of all be-cause they are the biggest animals on land.They have the biggest ears and t
如果我只是一条小狗,不是你的孩子.亲爱的妈妈,当我想吃你盘子里的饭菜时,你会对我说: ”不行”吗?你会赶开我.会对我这样说吗?“滚开.你这淘气的小狗!” If I’m just a pupp
Twenty years ago,a bald alien(外星人)thatlooked a little like aturtle(海龟) touchedthe hearts of childrenand adults alike.Theugly but kind-heartedstar of“E.T.