Inadequate blood pressure in addition to diet and lifestyle habits, but also may be related to drugs. Recently, the Mayo Clinic official website published an article, suggesting that the following drugs may affect blood pressure. Antipyretic and analgesic studies have shown that common paracetamol more susceptible to hypertension, ibuprofen, indomethacin may affect the excretion of sodium and water lead to elevated blood pressure, long-term use of these drugs should pay attention to changes in blood pressure. Antidepressants such drugs can change the body of dopamine, norepinephrine levels, affecting blood pressure. Cold medicine Cold medicines containing caffeine and pseudoephedrine can cause vasoconstriction and affect blood pressure. In addition, contraceptives, some herbs (such as licorice, ephedra, etc.), cyclosporine and other immunosuppressive agents may cause blood pressure fluctuations. Poor blood pressure control, may wish to see whether taking the above drugs at the same time, under the guidance of a doctor to adjust the medication program.