Views on the Relationship between Pragmatics and Semantics

来源 :博览群书·教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyaner
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  Abstract:This thesis was aimed at exploring the nature of language and it’s subsystem.As we all know,language is not only a subsystem but a carrier of culture system.The knowledge of pragmatics and semantics means a lot to communication.
  Key Words:language subsystems;pragmatics;semantics
  This paper deals with the most crucial parts of language:pragmatics and semantics based on the book The Study of Language written by George Yule.It explores a wide range of questions: The origins of language, how conversation takes place, how language varies between regions, how children learn language in the critical period,why children learn language quickly than the adults, why women and men speak differently, and how social factors influence language and culture. All the subsystems of linguistics lay a solid foundation for semantics and pragmatics.
  二、The definition of Semantics and pragmatics
  In the early 1970s, semantics was taken as the basis of the study of linguistics,which focused on the meaning of language.Then we come to the terms with the place of ‘meaning’ in linguistic description.In the chapter eleven of The Study of Language, the role of semantics. From this chapter we know the meaning of the words, phrases and sentences. It concentrates on the meaning in language as a product of the meaning of words. Each word has two meanings: conceptual and associative meaning,they mean a lot to our daily speech.As to semanticroles: agent, theme, instrument, experience, location, source and goal. These factors fulfill within the situation described by the sentence and distinguish each element. Not only can the words be treated as ‘containers’ as fulfilling ‘role’,they can also have ‘relationships’.I mean the lexical relation such as synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, prototypes, homophony, homonymy, polysemy and so on.From these aspects,we know the complexity and diversification of semantics.
  Then context was taken into consideration,pragmatics aroused linguists’ attention as an independent discipline.As to the next chapter pragmatics. It often refers to the invisible meaning that depends on shared experience and presupposition.We have noticed the context plays a crucial role in language especially in our daily talk. It is essential to understand how people communicate and what others say.
  Another factor related to pragmatics is discourse analysis.To understand what speakers mean we should have the ability to recognize correct or incorrect forms. Usually, we attach more attention to cohesive links to let others make sense of what they read or hear. For the most part, conversational interaction will follow the co-operative principle (quality, quantity, relation, manner) mentioned by Grice.Since it has been realized that we communicate via language is based on the shared experience and background knowledge.   三、The relationship between semantics and pragmatics
  Pragmatics and semantics are related to the study of meaning as two subsystems of linguistics.But their close relationship has made it difficult to set a clear boundary between them and the distinction between semantics and pragmatics have puzzled and are still puzzling linguists and philosophers of language(Jef, 2000).Semantics is the basis and has been affected by pragmatics,which is a discipline of speaker’s language inerpretation . Pragmatics and semantics are distinct and complementary(Leech, 1981).The reductionist approach holds that some linguistic phenomena are both related to pragmatics and semantics.However,pragmatics and semantics are regarded as two independent linguistic disciplines by the complementarist.The existence of pragmatics is based on semantics as a branch of linguistic.
  In most cases, pragmatics is related to context and linguistic expressions.The relationship between pragmatics and pragmatics tends to go with the distinction between meaning(language) and language use, or more generally,that between competence and performance(Leech,1983).Pragmatics is a field with all the aspects of meaning but not captured in semantics.
  From the macro and micro perspective, this book gives us clear basic contents of the linguistics that we haven’t elaborated in this dissertation.As to the argument, Pragmatics and semantics are related to the study of meaning as two subsystems of linguistics,concerning the transmission of meaning.Current presentations of the distinction between
  semantics and pragmatics tend to be riddled with inconsistencies and unjustified assumptions(Thomas,1995).The distinction and relationship between semantics and pragmatics are still abstract and sweeping in this book.An intensive discussion on the argument is needed for better understanding of the nature of language.
  [1] Jef Verschueren.Understanding Pragmatics [M].Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.
  [2] Leech G.Semantics[M].Penguin Books,1981.
  [3] Leech G.Principles of Pragmatics[M].London: Longman,1983.
  [4] Thomas.Meaning in Interaction: An Introduction to Pragmatics
西方古代哲学主要围绕本体论展开,本体论是古代哲学所探讨的核心问题。而到了近代之后,认识论逐渐成为哲学的中心话题。这主要是源于现实生活的需要,近代社会在走出中世纪的黑暗之后,自然科学获得了快速的发展。而与此伴随出现的问题便是知识论尤其是认识论的问题,人们需要解决的一个深层次问题就是这个周遭的世界如何为人们所认识的问题,因为这是人们获得科学知识并利用知识改造自然的创造性活动所需要首先解决的问题。  唯
摘 要:儿童是一个国家的未来,对国家发展及走向起着至关重要的作用。随着当今社会的快速发展,威胁儿童心理健康的问题也越来越突出,儿童的健康成长也成为一个引人思考的问题。本文从中美两国不同的社会背景、教育制度、家庭或父母等原因出发,对比和分析引发儿童学习焦虑感的原因,说明中美两个不同的制度、发展程度不同的社会都会使孩子产生一定程度的焦虑感,只是产生的原因不尽相同。根据研究结果,并提出一些俄可行性建议。
摘 要:在计量经济学的应用研究过程当中可信性是较为重要的问题之一,其核心内容在其对于实现经济理论、数学、统计学等在研究验证过程的科学结合。在此,本文将在以国际计量经济学术界对可信性问题三次重要讨论的基础上进行突破,并取得重大进展,了解清楚计量经济学在探索客观经济世界的过程当中的本质意义。进而针对其在研究应用的过程中存在的错用与滥用的普遍现象。且从三个方面来重点阐述计量经济学应用研究的可信性来源,从
宗教从一产生就意味着它脱离不了世俗世界,到彼岸必须从此岸出发。而从此岸出发采取种种能够为世俗所接受的方式,来进行达到超越世俗的目的。这种世俗性是必不可少的。  道教既然是一种宗教,从一开始就免不了有它的世俗性。 然而道教也有它自身的特点,汤一介先生在《早期道教史》里面说道:“道教和其他宗教派别相比,从一开始就有显著的特点:一是,其他宗教大都要解释‘人死后如何’的问题,而道教所要求解决的却是‘人如何
摘 要:在《至乐》一文中,庄子以别具一格的见解和切入角度,辩证地论述了自己的人生观及价值观、生死观,统一于以“道”为美的核心思想之上,直至今天仍具有积极的现实意义。  关键词:庄子;至乐无乐;哲学意义;美学意义  道家思想是中国传统哲学及美学源头之一。在前人老子以“道”为核心思想的基础之上,道家的另一重要代表人物庄子继承并发扬了这一优秀特质。虽然其“荒诞”的寓言故事和“无端崖之辞”看似令人费解,但
摘 要:古代汉语中对“焉”的词性和用法的一般观点是“焉”可作代词、兼词、助词、语气词、副词、连词。位置可在句中,在句末的居多。有的研究者是通过传世文献或出土文献对其词性和用法进行研究,有的则是将先秦至汉的典籍进行分析计量研究其词性和用法的演变。同时在近30年的研究过程中有的研究者对“焉”是否是兼词也有不同的看法。  关键词:焉;词性;用法;兼词  “焉”经历一个由实词到虚词的演化过程,研究者多是通
摘 要:在先秦时期,孔子就已经确立了学以致用、明理而行的为学观,强调仁礼合一。在宋明理学那里,理学家们着力于对孔子所开创的仁德之义的开显,正与孔子的为学传统相合,从直接的体认出发,都注重了对做人做事之所以然的理解与发掘,把握住了为学的最深层面的东西。这样的学问才正切合了孔子所开创的明理以做人做事之为学观点,是儒学传统中真正的学问  关键词:孔子;学以致用;宋明理学;天人合一  谈学问我觉得最重要一
摘 要:微化工技术,是随着上世纪90年代兴起的可持续发展理念和高新科技技术的发展而兴起的一门新的学科,作为一门多学科交叉的科技前沿领域,微化工技术是将微机电系统设计和化学化工相关原理合二为一的产物,并引进集成电路和微传感器制造等技术的一种技术和科学技术革新、涉及领域波及化学、机械、材料,电子、物理等多个学科。本文主要通过对微化工的发展概况、前景展望以及应用范围的概述,展现出微化工技术的现状。  关
摘 要:张载是我国北宋著名的思想家、哲学家、教育家、“北宋五子“之一、“关学”创始人。最能体现张载思想的莫过于张载的的代表作《西铭》。张载把儒学的人性论建构在自己的气化论基础上。所以人们要由气质之性回归到天地之性。回归天地之性后,人们就能够正确的理解宇宙人生,不为生死夭寿所苦,不为贫贱忧戚所累,达到圆满的人生境界。  关键词:张载;《西铭》;气化论  张载是我国北宋著名的思想家、哲学家、教育家、“