当我们来到位于南美洲上的那个国度时,一定会被那里的足球所吸引。 阿根延,正是这个国家的球员和球队,向我们展示了不同于艺术足球的美。 当我们回想起1986年世界杯决赛后,马拉多纳带领一群青年人在更衣室里一 遍又一遍地高呼“Argentina、Argentina、Argentina”时,我们感受到的是阿根廷这支球队所带给我们的激情! 有人说,巴西是艺术足球的故乡,那么阿根廷就是华丽足球的殿堂,阿根廷的足球风格有别于巴西的足球风 格,巴西人更多的是展示球员个人的才华,而阿根廷足球则展现给人的是整体感的享受。看着他们在中前场行云流 水般的配合,我们不禁感慨,他们也拥有那么多的天才球员,马拉多纳、卡尼吉亚、巴蒂斯图塔、奥特加、里克尔 梅、艾马尔、达历桑德罗、萨维奥拉等一拨又一拨,层出不穷。
When we come to that country on South America, it’s bound to be drawn to the football there. Argentine Yan, it is the country’s players and teams, to show us the beauty of art football. When we recalled the 1986 World Cup finals, Diego Maradona led a group of young people in the locker room repeatedly shouting “Argentina, Argentina, Argentina ”, we feel that Argentina this team Some people say that Brazil is the hometown of art football, then Argentina is the hall of gorgeous football, football style in Argentina is different from the style of football in Brazil, Brazilians are more to show the individual player’s talent, and Argentina Football is to show the overall sense of enjoyment. We can not help but feel that they also have so many talented players, Maradona, Kanigia, Batista, Ortega, Riquelme, Aimar, Daryl Sandro, Saviola and so on after another wave, one after another.