各州、地、市卫生局,厅卫生监督所,省疾控中心: 现将我厅制定的《青海省公共场所卫生规范》(以下简称《规范》)印发给你们,请认真遵照执行。《规范》自2002年5月1日起施行。各地要抓好《规范》的宣传、贯彻、落实工作,要求各地举办公共场所卫生从业人员培训班和公共场所经营单位管理人员学习班,并充分利用各种新闻媒体广泛宣传《规范》,增强公共场所经营单位的法律意识,掌握《规范》,执行《规范》,同时要求卫生监督部门按照《规范》进一步加大对公共场所的卫生监督管理力度,依法规范公共场所经营单位的卫生管理行为,保证人民群众的身体健康和生命安全。
State, City and Municipal Health Bureau, Department of Health Supervision, Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Now we have issued to you the “Code of Hygiene for Public Places in Qinghai Province” (hereinafter referred to as “the Code”) formulated by our department. Please follow the instructions carefully. “Code” since May 1, 2002 shall come into operation. All localities should pay special attention to the publicity, implementation, and implementation of the “norms” and require all localities to hold training courses for public health practitioners and managers of public places in business units and make full use of various news media to widely publicize “norms” and enhance public Place management unit legal awareness, grasp the “norms”, the implementation of “norms”, while requiring health supervision departments in accordance with “norms” to further increase the public health supervision and management efforts to regulate public health management practices in public places, to ensure that People’s health and life safety.