五十年代稻蝗曾是水稻的主要害虫之一,随着有机氯制剂的应用,曾在较长时间得以控制。近年来,稻蝗又死灰复燃,其危害有逐年加重的趋势。据调查,因稻蝗危害减产达10%~30%;严重的达40%以上。因此,切实抓好稻蝗综合防治已成当务之急,在防治中应把好“四关”,将稻蝗危害控制在最低限度。 1.农业防治关。一是采取一系列健身栽培措施,提高水稻自我补偿和避虫能力;二是铲除“三边”杂草,减少蝗蝻孳生场所。因稻蝗以卵块在离土表0.1~1.5厘米处越冬,尤以根际为多,次年初孵蝗蝻就地在河边、沟边、田边及荒草坪杂草上孳生,
The locust was one of the major pests of rice in the 1950s. With the application of organochlorine preparations, it has been controlled for a long time. In recent years, rice locusts resurgence, the harm has increased year by year trend. According to the survey, due to the damage caused by rice grasshoppers up to 10% to 30%; severe up to 40%. Therefore, to effectively grasp the comprehensive control of rice grasshoppers has become a priority, in the prevention and control should be a good “four”, the harm of rice locust control at a minimum. 1. Agricultural control off. First, take a series of fitness cultivation measures to improve rice self-reliance and insecticide capacity; the second is to eradicate the “three sides” weeds, reducing locust breeding sites. Due to the rice grasshopper to the egg block in the soil from 0.1 to 1.5 centimeters overwintering, especially in the rhizosphere as much as the following year the newly hatched locust 蝻 local rivers, ditch edges, fields and weeds abound on the lawn,