2013年11月10-16日,德国汉诺威国际农业机械展览会(Agritechnica 2013)隆重开幕。技术创新奖评选是每届汉诺威展会的一大亮点,Agritechnica 2013共有4个产品(技术)获创新金奖,33个产品(技术)获创新银奖。技术创新奖是由展会主办方德国农业协会(DLG)发起的中立的专家委员会,从申报的创新产品(技术)中按严格的程序和标准评选出来的,代表了世界农机行业最前沿的技术。本刊对这些获奖产品(技术)做一介绍,以飨读者。
November 10-16, 2013, Hannover, Germany International Agricultural Machinery Exhibition (Agritechnica 2013) grand opening. The selection of the Technology Innovation Awards is a highlight of every Hanover show. Agritechnica 2013 received a Gold Award for innovation in 4 products (technology) and a Silver Award for Innovation in 33 products (technologies). The Technology Innovation Award is a neutral panel of experts initiated by DLG, the organizer of the event, which was selected on the basis of rigorous procedures and criteria from the declared innovations (technologies) and represents the world’s forefront of technology in the agricultural machinery industry. This publication gives an introduction of these award-winning products (technologies) to readers.