目的 研究眼眶骨纤维异常增生症的CT影像特点。设计 回顾性病例系列。研究对象 31例眼眶骨纤维异常 增生症患者。方法 分析眼眶骨纤维异常增生症患者的影像检查资料。主要指标 眼眶CT影像。结果 主要CT表现为:(1) 病变部位以蝶、额骨常见,蝶骨23例,额骨13例;(2)没有固定形态,病变的骨组织广泛膨胀、增厚;(3)边界模糊,有时呈花边 样改变;(4)病变不是局限在骨骼的某一部位,而是扩展到这块骨骼的整体组织;(5)密度大多均匀如象牙样,部分似蜂窝样; (6)多骨受累时,引起眼眶及周围结构的继发性改变,出现严重的并发症。结论 CT检查是临床诊断眼眶骨纤维异常增生症的 重要依据。
Objective To study CT features of orbital fibrous dysplasia. Design retrospective case series. 31 cases of orbital fibrous dysplasia were studied. Methods Analysis of imaging data of orbital fibrous dysplasia. The main indicators of orbital CT images. Results The main CT findings were as follows: (1) The butterflies and frontal bones were common in the lesion, 23 were sphenoid bone and 13 were frontal frontal bone. (2) There was no fixed shape and the diseased bone tissue expanded and thickened extensively. (3) (4) the lesion is not limited to a certain part of the bones, but extends to the overall organization of this bone; (5) the density is mostly uniform like an ivory, partly honeycombed; Bone involvement, causing secondary changes in the orbital and surrounding structures, serious complications. Conclusion CT examination is an important basis for clinical diagnosis of orbital fibrous dysplasia.