2013年9月9日,“2012—2013中国报刊广告投放价值排行榜”揭晓,新华日报再摘全国省级日报“榜眼”。这是新华日报连续两季跻身“中国报刊广告投放价值”二强行列。从2007—2008季的排名第五到连续两季进入前三强,再到晋级亚军,新华日报的广告经营强势崛起,迈出经济调整转型期“弯道超越”关键一步。当前全球报业正遭遇寒流侵袭:《The Daily》关张、《法兰克福论坛报》申请破产、《德国金融时报》停刊、《新闻周刊》停出纸质版……中国报业的整体环境也同样日益恶劣,受媒体环境变化的影响,读者的数量在大幅减少,报纸的影响力在迅速下降,广告经营普遍
September 9, 2013, “2012-2013 China Newspaper advertising value list” was unveiled, Xinhua Daily re-pick the national provincial daily newspaper, “second place.” This is Xinhua Daily two consecutive quarters of “China Newspaper advertising value” two ranks. From the fifth in the 2007-2008 season to the top three in the two consecutive quarters and the second in the runner-up, the advertising operation of Xinhua Daily has risen sharply and took the crucial step toward economic transformation and transformation. The current global newspaper industry is experiencing a cold wave: The Daily turns off, the Frankfurt Tribune filed for bankruptcy, the German Financial Times ceases publication, and Newsweek stops printing out of print. The overall environment for China’s newspapers is also growing Bad, affected by changes in the media environment, the number of readers is significantly reduced, the influence of newspapers is rapidly declining, and advertising is generally