连载之一 新中国的土地立法

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新中国的土地立法一文共分三个大部分:一是土地土地立法的发展概况,二是土地立法的阶段性演变,三是土地立法的部门演变。分为五次连载,连载之一在介绍土地立法发展概况基础上,主要论述了土地公有制确立和发展时期的土地立法情况;连载之二主要论述了改革开放时期的土地立法情况和土地所有权制度的立法演变情况;连载之三主要论述了土地使用制度和土地利用规划的立法演变情况;连载之四主要论述了地籍管理、土地征用和土地保护的立法演变情况;连载之五主要论述了土地开发整理与复垦和房地产管理的立法演变情况。本期为连载之一。 The article on land legislation in New China is divided into three parts: First, the general situation of the development of land and land legislation; second, the phased evolution of land legislation; third, the evolution of the land legislation department. Is divided into five series, serial one, based on the introduction of the general situation of the development of land legislation, mainly discusses the land legislation during the establishment and development of public ownership of land; serial two mainly discusses the land legislation during the reform and opening up and the land ownership system Legislative evolution of the situation; serial third mainly discusses the land use system and the evolution of the legislation of land use planning; serial four mainly discusses the cadastral management, land acquisition and land protection legislation evolution; serial five mainly discusses the land development and consolidation Legislation Evolution with Reclamation and Real Estate Management. This issue is serial one.
如今,中国打印市场竞争激烈,各大国外品牌占据了绝大部分的市场份额。方正科技认为,国内厂家发挥本土优势,可有大作为。与国外品牌相比,国内厂商有本土化的优势,民族品有 To
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