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2004年3月4日至23日,南岗区委组织部、七政街道办事处、区档案局在区委党校联合举办了《永远跟着太阳走》梁登昆爱国主义教育图片展。梁登昆现年73岁,原为国家机电工业部哈尔滨焊接研究所高级工程师。1992年6月退休后,放弃安逸生活,毅然踏上“单骑万里访百圣,弘扬中华魂”的新长征之路。十多年来,只身一人,先后5次遍访全国,历时4年零7个月,行程29万余华里。个人耗资10多万元,历尽千辛万苦,访遍了除台湾、澳门以外所有省、市、自治区,登临了祖国东、西、南、北最高和最低等“六最”之地;拜访了中国人民解放军和武警部队驻边境的几十个哨所和44个少数民族聚居区;重走了红军二万五千里长征路;拜访了300多个爱国主义教育基地。沿途写下数十万字的走访日记,摄影作品达万余张。在“单骑”过程中,为沿途人民群众和广大青少年作了题为《爱我中华》、《重走长征路》、《弘扬中华魂》报告和新长征摄影图片展上百次,受到各地人民群众的高度赞誉。 From March 4 to March 23, 2004, Nangang District Organization Department, Seventh Political Street Office and District Archives jointly held a pavilion of patriotic education of Liang Dengkun’s patriotism “Follow the Sun Forever”. Liang Dengkun is now 73 years old, formerly the Harbin Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Senior Engineer. After retiring in June 1992, he gave up his comfort life and resolutely embarked on the road of the new long march of “soliloquy” and “carrying forward the Chinese soul.” More than a decade, one person, has visited the country 5 times, which lasted 4 years and 7 months, more than 29,000 trips in Huali. At an individual cost of more than 100,000 yuan, he has traveled untold hard times and visited all the provinces, cities and autonomous regions except Taiwan and Macao, and visited the “six most” places of the highest and the lowest in the east, west, south and north of the motherland Dozens of outposts and 44 ethnic-minority settlements where the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and Armed Police Force are located across the border were rebuilt; the Red Army’s 25,000-mile long march was re-visited; more than 300 patriotic education bases were visited. Write hundreds of thousands of words along the way to visit the diary, photographic works up to more than Zhang Zhang. During the solo ride, hundreds of reports entitled “Love China,” “Re-take the Long March,” “Carry forward the Chinese Spirit,” and the New Long March Photographic Exhibition were made available to the people and the vast majority of young people along the way. The people are highly praised.
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