重庆市人民政府办公厅关于发挥财税职能缩小三个差距的实施意见 渝办发[2011]273号

来源 :重庆市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mlgb7758521
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各区县(自治县)人民政府,市政府各部门,有关单位:缩小“城乡、区域、贫富”三个差距,促进共同富裕是我市“十二五”期间改革发展的重大战略,是我市贯彻落实科学发展观、转变发展方式的核心内容。为落实市委三届九次全委会关于缩小三个差距的精神,经市政府同意,现提出以下实施意见:一、基本原则(一)统筹兼顾原则。从财税收和支两方面促进缩小三个差距,在优化财政体制、调整支出结构,促进城乡、区域协调发展,社会各阶层共享改革发展成果的同时,充分发挥税收调节经济的职能作用,减轻低收入群体税收负担,引导创业就业,促进社会和谐。(二)公平效率原则。在推动城乡基本公共服务均等化同时,公平税负,维护税收秩序,保障经济良性运行;在总体税负公平的基础上,探索实行差别化税收政策,扶持贫困地区和民生产业发展,增加低收入群体收入,促进共同富裕。 People’s governments of all districts and counties (autonomous counties) and all relevant departments and units of the municipal government: narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas, regions and the rich and the poor, and promoting common prosperity is a major strategy of reform and development during the 12th Five-year Plan of our city , Is the city to implement the scientific concept of development, change the mode of development of the core content. In order to implement the spirit of the ninth session of the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Committee on Decreasing Three Gaps, with the agreement of the municipal government, the following implementation opinions are put forward: I. Basic Principles 1. Making all-round consideration. We will promote the narrowing of the three gaps from fiscal revenues and expenditures, optimize the fiscal system, adjust the expenditure structure, promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas and regions, and at the same time, share the fruits of reform and development by all sectors of society. We will also give full play to the functions of tax revenue regulation and economy, Income tax burden on groups, to guide entrepreneurship and employment, and promote social harmony. (B) the principle of fairness and efficiency. While promoting the equalization of basic public services in urban and rural areas, the tax burden should be kept fairly to safeguard the orderly operation of the economy and to ensure the healthy operation of the economy. On the basis of overall fairness of tax burden, we should explore differentiated taxation policies to support the development of industries in poverty-stricken areas and people’s livelihood and increase low-income Group income, promote common prosperity.
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有一种音乐能让人感动, 那是因为它是用生命的琴弦在弹奏; 有一种歌声能让人生情, 那是因为它是用心灵在吟唱。莫日根布赫,一个游走于草原与都市的音乐牧人,一个用心写歌用情歌唱、被称为草原情歌王子的蒙古族青年原创歌手。  熟悉莫日根布赫的人都管他叫“老莫”,最近他推出的一张以“情”感人的原创歌曲唱片《梦回故乡》,整张唱片中没有太多华丽的音符和浮躁的情绪,虽然他也生活在浮躁与喧嚣的都市里,也整日为一日三