由中华全国新闻工作者协会主办的“全国百佳新闻工作者”(以下简称“百佳”)评选活动至今已进行两届了。“百佳”评选活动,对表彰先进,继承和发扬党的新闻工作的优良传统,对加强新闻队伍建设,无疑是起到了重要的作用。为了宣传典型,便于互相学习,笔者将“百佳”的事迹和经验,摘其精华,归纳成下述几个问题,供大家学习和借鉴。 ——精品出自勤奋和敬业。天道酬勤;勤奋出精品;热爱是成功之母。这是“百佳”共同的切身感受。所有“百佳”有一点是共同的,即他们不是把新闻事业作为一种简单的工作和谋生职业来看待,而是作为服务于人类、服务于社会的一种精神追求。他们都有一种超乎寻常的勤奋和敬业精神,他们视事业如
The “National PARKnSHOP Journalist” (hereinafter referred to as “PARKnSHOP”) sponsored by the All-China Journalists Association has been held for two sessions so far. The “PARKnSHOP” selection activity undoubtedly played an important role in honoring the advanced tradition, inheriting and carrying forward the party’s excellent journalistic work and strengthening the building of the news team. In order to promote typical, easy to learn from each other, the author will “PARKnSHOP” deeds and experience, pick its essence, summarized into the following questions for everyone to learn and learn from. - Outstanding products by hard work and dedication. Heaven pay hard work hard work; love is the mother of success. This is the “PARKnSHOP” common personal feelings. One thing that all “PARKnSHOPs” are one thing in common is that they do not view journalism as a simple job or earn a living, but as a spiritual pursuit of serving mankind and serving the community. They have an extraordinary hard work and dedication, they think of business as