《定型组合钢模板技术规程》对钢模板荷载试验和产品质量检验方法作了如下规定: 1.荷载试验抽样方法 在同一材质、同一生产工艺制成的钢模板中,任意抽样三块进行荷载试验、当三块试样的实测结果的平均值与其中最大值和最小值之差,如不超过平均值的15%,则以平均值为该项试验的结果。如有一个试验结果超过平均值的15%,则以另外两块的平均值为试验结果。
The “Technical Specification for Forming Combined Steel Formwork” provides the following stipulations on the steel formwork load test and product quality inspection method: 1. The load test sampling method In the same material, steel template made from the same production process, three samples are randomly sampled for load testing. When the average of the measured results of the three specimens is the difference between the maximum value and the minimum value, if it does not exceed 15% of the average value, the average value is the result of the test. If there is a test result exceeding 15% of the average value, the average of the other two test results.