In order to enable the courts to enforce the resolution of maintenance disputes and allow the elderly parties to settle down in their twilight years, Fengxin County People’s Court has been actively carrying out special activities in the execution of disputable cases of support in the criminal cases since early December 2001. This activity, personally led by the leadership of the competent department, organized four implementation teams to clean up the completed maintenance cases and register them according to the line of the domicile of the people being executed one by one, affirmed that they have conscientiously performed their obligation of support, Promote its performance, to refuse to perform compulsory measures to be enforced. For instance, Liu Baobao, a 70-year-old man from Qiongxia Village, Qianzhou Township, Fengxin County, sued Liu Gaobao for supporting the dispute: Liu Caibao was born with three sons and two daughters and Liu Gaobao, the third son of Liu Caobao, a veteran of the defendant, During the Spring Festival in 2001, Liu Cai