北京大学政治学与行政管理系工作人员李××最近脸上时常带着笑容。一次偶然的机会,她听朋友介绍使用了一种小药袋后,想不到常年困扰她的月经不调和痛经等症竟神奇般地消失了。这个小药袋就是北京市地天泰保健科技开发公司研制的妇女保健产品——慧妳保健围腰。 这种围腰是由河北省已故著名中医胡东樵老先生之女、河北中医学院教授胡玉琴大夫与北京市地天泰保健科技开
Peking University Department of Political Science and Administration staff Li × × recently face often with a smile. By chance, she heard a friend introduced a small sachet, can not think of perennial her irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhea symptoms magically disappeared. This small medicine bag is a health care product developed by Beijing Tiantai Health Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. This is the waist by the deceased famous doctor of Hebei Province Hu Dongqiao old lady’s daughter, Hebei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Professor Hu Yuqin doctor and Beijing Tian Tai Thai Health Science and Technology to open