沙苑子为豆科植物扁茎黄芪Astragalus complanatus R.Br.的干燥成熟种子.近年我们在入库商品检验中,发现有大量的混伪品,经鉴定为豆科植物直立黄芪A.adsurgens Pall.的种子,俗称沙打旺.现将两者性状区别如下: 沙打旺种子呈园肾形,两侧压扁,两端钝园,长2~2.5mm,宽1.5~2mm,厚约1mm,表面灰褐色或绿褐色,腹面凹陷处有种脐,园形.质坚硬,不易破碎,破开后可见黄色子叶两片及弯曲的胚根,胚根长约1mm.气微弱,味淡,嚼之有豆腥气.
The fruit of Astragalus complanatus R. Br. is a mature mature seed of Astragalus complanatus R.Br., a leguminous plant in the leguminous plant. In recent years, we have found a large number of counterfeit products in the inspection of imported commodities. It was identified as a leguminous plant A. adsurgens Pall. The seed, commonly known as Sandawang, is now distinguished by the following two characteristics: Sanda seeds are garden kidney shaped, flattened on both sides, blunt at both ends, 2–2.5mm long, 1.5–2mm wide, 1mm thick, The surface is gray-brown or green-brown. There is a kind of umbilicus in the ventral depression. It is garden-shaped. It is hard and unbreakable. After breaking, it shows two pieces of yellow cotyledons and a curved radicle. The radicle length is about 1mm. The gas is faint and tasteless. There is bean odor.