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“墙阴春荠老,笋蕨正登盘”。每当春天万物复苏时,正是登盘蕨菜供尝鲜的好时机。蕨菜,属风尾科多年生不开花的草木植物。也有的地方叫如意菜,长寿菜、龙头菜等。它的嫩叶还处于卷曲未展时采来供人食用,一年可采几次。自古以来就是我国人民喜爱的一种鲜野菜。《诗经·陆玑疏》中就有“周秦日蕨,齐鲁日鳖”的诗句。《尔雅·释草》篇载:“初生无叶,可食”。《说文通训定义》中讲得就更通俗具体了:“初生如蒜苗,无叶,好 ”Wall spring chestnuts old, bamboo shoots fern is boarding “. Whenever the spring of recovery, it is a good time to try the early adopters of bracken. Bracken, is a perennial inflorescence of the wind-weeted plants. In some places, such as Italian cuisine, longevity dishes, leading dishes and so on. Its young leaves are still in the curly undecided mining for human consumption, recoverable several times a year. Since ancient times is a favorite of our people a kind of fresh vegetables. ”The Book of Songs Lu Ji Shu,“ there is ”Zhou Qin day fern, Qilu turtle “ poem. ”Er Ya release“ chapter contains: ”no leaves, edible “. ”Said by Wen Tongxun definition“ to speak more even more specific: ”Newborn, such as garlic, no leaves, good
近年来,随着我国对外贸易的不断发展,俄语专业人才需求持续攀升。在这样的形势影响下,俄语学习成为了一股热潮,吸引了大量生源。俄语学习的根本基础是应用,只有在不断的交际锤炼中才可能收获显著成效。合作学习在俄语学习中的实现,为学生搭建了良好的交际平台,对其更加快速、扎实地掌握相关技能有着莫大好处。本文在对合作学习要以及作用作出简要论述的基础上,重点就合作学习在俄语学习中的实现路径进行了研究。  【关键词