糯玉米以其营养丰富,香甜可口而倍受青睐,市场前景广阔。种植糯玉米的经济价值一般是普通杂交玉米的 2~ 4倍。其高产高效栽培关键技术是: 一、选用良种种植糯玉米,良种是关键,应选择品质优、产量高、生育期短的渝糯一号、渝糯二号。 二、保温早育苗高产、早上市才能?
Waxy corn with its nutrient-rich, sweet and popular and favored, the market prospects. The economic value of planting waxy corn is generally 2 to 4 times that of ordinary hybrid corn. The key technologies of high yield and high efficiency cultivation are as follows: First, the selection of elite varieties of waxy corn planting, seed is the key, should choose good quality, high yield, short growth period of Yu Nuo, Yu No. two wax. Second, heat early seedling high yield, morning market can?