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  Several College Coaches Have Made The Jump To The NBA, With Mixed Results. Now It Appears The Trend Has Reversed.
  Avery Johnson thumbed through a roster book at a recent recruiting stop, searching for a player’s biography while the night’s final game began. Tipoff was close to 10 p.m., a time when many of the players perform like they’re in a hurry to get it over with, and bleary-eyed coaches are only staying courtside for appearance’s sake.
  Johnson knew very well there would be nights like this. He just sat through them two years ago while his son, Avery, auditioned for college coaches during the summer’s live recruiting periods. Now he sits through them as the new head coach at Alabama.
  "People talk about the grind of being on the road for July with these AAU tournaments," Johnson said. "There’s nothing like the grind of an NBA season when you’re playing four games in five nights -- and that’s consistently all during the season. We’re up for the challenge, and we’re excited about it."

  Fred Hoiberg continued the flow of college coaches trying their hand in the NBA when he left Iowa State for the Chicago Bulls. But there’s been a bit of a reversal in the pipeline.
  Eric Musselman (Nevada), Mark Price (Charlotte) and Chris Mullin(St. John’s), like Johnson, returned to campuses as first-time college head coaches after long careers in various NBA roles.
  "In the past, at least in my experience, colleges have been a little reluctant to hire NBA guys simply because it’s such a different deal," Price said. "I’m excited to see more schools are starting to look because I think you’re getting really quality basketball people."
  Price, who had his No. 25 jersey retired by the Cleveland Cavaliers, served most of his time as a shooting coach in the NBA before becoming an assistant coach for the Charlotte Hornets last season. Price has never been a head coach, and spent all of one season in the college ranks -- as an assistant coach for his alma mater Georgia Tech in 1999-2000.   25号球衣被克利夫兰骑士退役的普莱斯上赛季成为夏洛特黄蜂助理教练前,绝大多数时候在NBA担任投篮教练。普莱斯从未做过主教练,他只在大学工作过一年——也就是1999-2000赛季在母校乔治亚理工大学担任助理教练。
  Mullen answered the call of his alma mater having never been on the sidelines. He spent all of his post-playing career in front offices, in stints with the Golden State Warriors and Sacramento Kings.
  These coaches got an authentic college welcome when they had to take and pass the NCAA compliance test before they were cleared to recruit. And as Price would attest, the recruiting experience is far different from what he remembered when he went through the process.
  "It used to be call the parents, call the high school coach," Price said."A couple of kids that we’ve called, they give you this list of like five guys to call."
  The list can include AAU coaches, personal trainers and other advisers, many of whom are cultivating players’ NBA dreams. That brought Price to another big difference in recruiting.
  "Everybody thinks they’re going to be a pro now," he said. "It doesn’t matter who they are."
  Despite being inexperienced in the college game, there’s a noted advantage for the former pros in college coaching: instant credibility and recognition. Most of the players they’re recruiting weren’t born when Mullin played on the Dream Team in 1992 or when Price was still in uniform, but their parents know their credentials, and the players respect their NBA resumes.
  "Having an NBA background is impactful to high school players, to transfers -- it’s been a huge benefit," Musselman said. "The big thing for guys like Avery and guys that have been NBA head coaches -- that completely separates you from someone who has just spent time in the NBA."

  Johnson and Musselman increased the list to 12 current college head coaches who are former NBA head coaches. The majority of that list --including Louisville’s Rick Pitino, Kentucky’s John Calipari and Florida State’s Leonard Hamilton -- established themselves at the college level before taking an NBA opportunity.   约翰逊和穆瑟尔曼让担任过NBA主教练的大学教练人数增加到12人。这份名单中的大多数——包括路易斯维尔的里克·皮蒂诺、肯塔基的约翰·卡利帕里和佛罗里达州大的莱纳德·汉密尔顿——进入NBA前已经在大学成名。
  Muscleman’s approach was a bit different from his peers’. From 1989 to 2012 he coached in an assortment of pro leagues, including the Continental Basketball Association and the NBA Development League. Rather than jump right into the college head coaching ranks, the former Warriors(2002-04) and Kings (2006-07) head coach first returned to campus as an assistant in 2012 with Arizona State. He spent last season at LSU before being hired at Nevada in March.
  "Without having been an assistant coach, I think it would be really, really difficult -- at least for me -- to have gone from the pro game to the college game," Musselman said.
  For starters, paperwork is almost a daily part of being a head coach in college. So is compliance, a word rarely heard in NBA front offices. Some coaches who have spent the majority of their careers on NBA sidelines might not be up for that challenge.
  The NBA is about business. Nowhere is that more evident than in the relationships between players and management.
  "Obviously in the NBA I think some coaches can get close with the players, but oftentimes you land in a city, everyone goes into their own hotel room in the Ritz-Carlton," Musselman said. "You see guys at practice, you see guys at games and then they go home. So the personal relationship is so much different in college when a person is going from a young man to an adult."

  That’s why Johnson figured the trend of professional coaches returning to the college ranks can only get so big. He said the supervision and guidance unrelated to basketball is a challenge not everyone wants.
  "Not everyone wants the responsibility of having to recruit and check up on the academic side of things. That’s why going from the NBA to college is all about finding the right fit."
扎克·拉文  1995年3月10日/1.96米/86公斤/G/明尼苏达森林狼  在被誉为“可能是史上最精彩的扣篮大赛”中,扎克·拉文战胜阿隆·戈登,卫冕扣篮大赛冠军。在多数球迷眼中,拉文就是花式扣篮的同义词,但他本人并不满足只做扣将。虽说迈克尔·乔丹、多米尼克·威尔金森和科比·布莱恩特这样的传奇球星也称霸过扣篮大赛,可是谁还记得哈罗德·迈纳和弗雷德·琼斯这些也拿到过扣篮冠军的球员。  职业生涯前1
一切有为法,皆待缘而起。对于那些在体育史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔的球队来说,通常都会有那么一刻,所有元素各就各位,整支球队齐头并进。  休斯敦大学男篮曾经拥有一支备受追捧、能飞善扣的球队,他们的领袖是未来名人堂成员“大梦”哈基姆·奥拉朱旺和“滑翔机”克莱德·德雷克斯勒。对于这支球队来说,那个偶然的时刻发生在某个体育记者准备写一篇专栏时,讲述这帮在休斯敦霍夫海因兹阁球馆腾空而起的扣将们之时。他们在场上
克里斯·保罗的一批商业伙伴和家族成员,聚集在西好莱坞日落大道的BOA牛排餐厅中。这是2013年7月的一天,保罗端坐在宾客面前,身边是4岁的儿子和1 1个月大的女儿。无需多久,他就将进行一系列足以改变NBA历史的举措。他拿起了一支笔,签下了他此生最大手笔的合同:5年,1.07亿美元。他加盟快船。  在餐桌、饮料和吐司之间穿梭,保罗不停举杯,讲话,致谢。在他的座位上,摆着一本Moleskine笔记本,
在很多人眼中,1979年“魔术师”约翰逊的到来,意味着NBA正式进入现代。联盟终于摆脱财务困境,将场外麻烦抛在身后,逐渐发展为价值上百亿美元的超级产业。另一方面,“魔术师”也把自己的新家洛杉矶,变为了联盟休赛期的绝对中心。  “魔术师”成为巨星同时,奇奇·范德维奇(NBA球员,现联盟篮球事务副总裁)成为了UCLA的招牌。而随着亚当·米尔斯,这位前湖人球童的加入,UCLA成为了球员最青睐的夏季比赛场
应付媒体这种破事,卡梅隆·安东尼早已驾轻就熟。在“后德里克·费舍尔时代”尼克斯的第一场比赛结束后45分钟——他们刚刚在麦迪逊花园不敌奇才——安东尼在更衣室里和记者们度过了赛后的最后一点时间——尖锐的问题都在等着他,比如,他被问到自己是如何去适应临时主教练科特·兰比斯的。  “老兄,我不过是顺其自然啊。”安东尼说着,突然微笑起来,“我顺其自然,做好自己。”整个房间里都回荡着笑声。安东尼的这种奇妙能力
每个人都知道阿迪达斯签约球员 Damian Lillard会崛起,但没人能料到,这个赛季他就能让自己的统治力笼罩联盟。  回到12月底,人们尚未把开拓者视为季后赛球队,或者说,人们根本没关心他们的状况。作为这支球队的领袖和阿迪达斯的代言球星,达米安·利拉德也发现自己有些不对劲,此时,他们正在与热火对抗,比分很接近,而他表现强势,看上去又该拥有他的时刻了。但是,足部的伤痛很快便阻止了他。  “在我的
除非你身在现场,除非你真的关心,否则,你是想象不到体育史上最著名的传真能让人如此兴奋。那份传真上是迈克尔·乔丹的潦草笔迹,他写的是,“我回来了”。  我就是如此。从小我就爱上了球场上的乔丹。当他在1993年10月年仅30岁就宣布退役时,和很多人一样,我几近崩溃。没错,他已经7次成为得分王、拿到了3个MVP和3个总冠军,可谁都能看出来,他还能取得更大的成就。可他却去打了棒球?  在打满一个棒球季并开
For as deeply as teams dive into the makeup of prospective players, little attention is paid to potential mental health issues.  尽管球队在塑造潜力球员方面下了很大功夫,但他们却很少关注精神健康的潜在问题。  According to the National Allia
当他的前队友们还在为11年前的遗憾唏嘘嗟叹时,孟达在四川完成了实现终极目标的最后一码。  在成都菲尔顿凯莱酒店贵宾室的沙发上,孟达靠着厚厚的座椅靠背,小心翼翼地把玩着手中的总冠军奖牌。这样的场景在九个月前,即使孟达自己都不会认为会在自己身上发生。那时,他离开了为之效力近乎整个职业生涯的江苏队。  “弃将呗,”孟达调侃道,“外界都说我们是弃将组成的球队,我是江苏弃将,路路(王汝恒)是山东弃将,还有其
周日清晨,大多数20岁的同龄人还在因彻夜的派对狂欢躺在床上不肯动弹,但卡尔-安东尼·唐斯早已完成了训练,此时,他正在观看西雅图海鹰(NFL橄榄球队)痛揍明尼苏达维京人。  在唐斯的生活中,充斥着的不是廉价的威士忌,不是满脸醺红地搭讪女孩,而是一个又一个强壮的对手。他需要在之前一个晚上27分12篮板教训开拓者的大个子们——尽管球队输了球;到了两天后,他不会挤在狭窄的图书馆座椅上,为了期末考试临时抱佛