美国杰出的医学家刘易斯·托马斯博士(Lewis Thomas,1913~1993)在他《The Youngest Science:Notes of a Medicine-Watcher》一书中将医学称为最年轻的科学。诚然,人类与疾病的斗争可以追溯到远古,然而医学一直以来只是一门建立在实践经验基础上的技艺或技术,随着其他领域科学的发展,特别是磺胺及青霉素等药物的相继问世,才彻底改变了医学的状况,使医学成为真正意义的科学。
Lewis Thomas (1913-1993), a distinguished American physician, described medicine as the youngest science in his The Youngest Science: Notes of a Medicine-Watcher. It is true that the struggle between humans and disease can be traced back to ancient times. However, medicine has always been a skill or technique based on practical experience. With the development of science in other fields, especially the emergence of drugs such as sulfa and penicillin Completely changed the condition of medicine and made medicine a real science.