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1990年冬种时,笔者在晚稻收割后的板田上,每亩撒8千克麦种,15千克三元复合肥和50千克过磷酸钙后,直接用手扶拖拉机作以浅5-10厘米的旋耕,使种子与土肥快速混合 The winter of 1990, the author in the paddy field after harvesting late rice, sprinkle 8 kg of wheat per acre, 15 kg of ternary compound fertilizer and 50 kg of superphosphate, the direct use of walking tractor to shallow 5-10 cm spin Plowing, the seeds and soil quickly mixed fertilizer
In this study,PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was applied to analyze the microbial communities in lake sediments from Lake Xuanwu,Lake Mochou
RNA interference (RNAi) is a phenomenon of gene silence induced by a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) homologous to a target gene.RNAi can be used to identify the fu
一、离开淮阴去淮安 1946年元旦刚过,新华社华中总分社社长范长江同志对我说:“盐阜地委要调你回去编火众报。”在1945春,王阑西同志调我到《盐阜大众》报,当时我对他说:“
Partial cDNA sequences coding for antifreeze proteins in Tenebrio molitor were obtained by RT-PCR.Sequence analysis revealed nine putative cDNAs with a high deg
In this paper,we propose a new system for understanding the biodiversity in different conservation areas.It includes three aspects:the capacity,the connectivity
大多地方性院校皆以“高水平应用型大学”为自己的发展目标,在这一背景下,如何改革古代汉语的教学内容和教学方法,是提高古代汉语的教学效率和质量有效途征之一。 Most of t
Pollution of agricultural land by heavy metals has imposed an increasingly serious risk to environmental and human health in recent years.Heavy metal pollutants