一、宜依山就势,不宜大挖大填 过去沿江城镇在城市建设上大多都采取依山就势的手法,单体建筑或错层、或吊层,充分利用了地形,形成了别具一格的建筑风貌。在新的城镇规划建设中理该继承和发扬这种城市文化。同时,可以避免人为破坏自然生态,节省大量投资,创造良好的山地错落有致的城市景观,适应可持续发展的需要。 二、城市道路宜幽深不宜平直 在山地道路规划上,充分结合地形,采用较大坡度
First, Yiyishanqishi, should not be large digs and fills in the past. Urban construction in the past has mostly adopted the approach of hill-to-country, single-building or split-level, or suspended floors in the urban construction. It has fully utilized the terrain and formed a unique architectural style. . In the new town planning and construction, we should inherit and carry forward this urban culture. At the same time, we can avoid artificially destroying the natural ecology, save a lot of investment, create a good urban landscape with patchwork mountains and adapt to the needs of sustainable development. Second, urban roads should be deep and unfavorable. In the planning of mountain roads, fully integrate the terrain and adopt a large gradient.