人类额外小染色体(extra small chro-mosome)也称超数染色体(简称 mar)是指一类多于正常染色体(ZN)的小染色体。1962年 Fllis 等首次报道了一例带有额外小染色体的先天性智力低下的患儿,继而引起有关学者的关注。据报道,人类额外小染色体在人群中的发生率约为1/5000。目前国内外有不少关于 mar 引起的智力低下,畸形、不育等方面的报道。然而关于 mar 与流产的探讨,很少有报道。现将我室发现2例报告如下:例1 先证者,男性,30岁,婚后其妻怀孕2次,均在孕40~+天时发生自然流产。每次都经保胎治疗无效。其他未见异常,无家族
Extra small chro-mosomes, also known as super-chromosomes (mar), refer to a smaller group of chromosomes than the normal chromosome (ZN). In 1962 Fllis et al. First reported a case of congenital mental retardation in children with extra small chromosomes, and then aroused the concern of scholars. It has been reported that the incidence of human extra small chromosomes in the population is about 1/5000. At present, there are many reports about mar caused by mental retardation, deformity and infertility in China and abroad. However, the discussion about mar and miscarriage is seldom reported. My room is now found in 2 cases reported as follows: Example 1 proband, male, 30 years old, married his wife two pregnancies, are in pregnancy 40 ~ + days of spontaneous abortion. Each time by miscarriage treatment is invalid. No other abnormalities, no family