1995年,常柴股份有限公司共生产各类柴油机122万台,同比增长74.28%,完成销售收入21.64亿元,比1994年翻一番,实现利润2.2亿元,比1994年翻两番。在自营出口创汇连续数年突破1000万美元的基础上,实现自营出口创汇2180万美元,不但保持了全国小柴行业出口创汇第一的地位,而且表明常柴的外贸工作打开了崭新的局面。 两个市场一起抓 在常柴内部,人们对出口创汇也曾有过不同的看法。1994年,常柴实施股份制改革,成为上市公司以后,通过实施名牌战略、巨人战略、集团战略,国内
In 1995, Changchai Co., Ltd. produced a total of 1.22 million diesel engines of various types, an increase of 74.28% year-on-year, and achieved a sales income of 2.16 billion yuan, which was double that of 1994, and realized a profit of 220 million yuan, which was more than quadrupled from 1994. After self-export foreign exchange exceeded US$10 million for several consecutive years, it achieved US$21.8 million in self-export foreign exchange, which not only maintained the status of the nation’s export-oriented foreign exchange earned by the Xiaochai industry, but also indicated that Changchai’s foreign trade work opened up a brand new situation. . The two markets caught together inside Changchai, and people had different opinions on foreign exchange earning. In 1994, Changchai implemented a shareholding system reform and became a listed company. After implementing the brand strategy, giant strategy, and group strategy,