After using the needle-type injector for a period of time, it often happens that the injector is not closed properly, the atomization is poor, and even the injection pressure can not be adjusted. Sometimes the replacement of a new nozzle, a new spring or the end of the spring to add gaskets, still not effective, and ultimately had to replace the fuel injector assembly. In addition to the above pinpointing, in addition to the cooperation of the pin and the nozzle hole, the sealing of the nozzle, the guide surface of the needle valve and the surface of the guide hole are damaged, there is also the ball wear problem. Axial needle injector structure principle is: When the nozzle and injector body fastening, the pressure regulating spring in the role of the adjusting screw, the needle through the mandrel will seal the sealing cone in the needle valve body The corresponding cone. When the fuel injection pump, the high-pressure diesel into the needle valve ring oil chamber, acting on the needle cone, resulting in upward thrust to overcome the pressure regulating spring, so that