Rhetoric, as deconstruction in the face of cinematic hermeneutics, supports the topics that have been proposed at the end of our semiotics discussion. Where we find that if the connotation is not the innate condition of the ordinary language, at least the artistic language is undoubtedly the natural condition of the image discourse such as movie. Psychoanalysis prioritizes interpretation over an even more revealing structural analysis, since the notion of symbolic interpretation is indeed fundamental. Although the connotation makes Saussure’s first naive description of the symbol as a constant relation to what it means, it greatly complicates. Roland Barthes and other critics are still optimistic about their beliefs and believe that as long as they are properly applied, etymological methods, rhetorical analysis, etc., will make the impact of each symbol, no matter how made Complex, eventually can be crystal clear. Psychoanalysis shatters this hope by permanently cutting off the relationship between the signifier and the signified. Of course, the sign does contain unconscious references, but this inclusiveness rests on the logic that some psychoanalysis does not have. It happens to need a “psychoanalysis” to clean out, if not meaningless, at least any artwork