20世纪70年代,全美国在惊呼:美国,你到底怎么啦!?(American,what went wrong!?)因为日本人的汽车、电子等制造业的产品如潮水般涌入美国,而这些产业正是美国人最具有优势的产业。摩托罗拉公司(Motorola)作为美国最大的电子产品生产商,同样在苦苦思索,经过仔细的研究,摩托罗拉公司最终确定了一项工作计划,而这项计划也逐渐演变成了系统而成熟的方法,名曰:6SIGMA。它使摩托罗拉的产品和服务质量在最初的5年中提高了10倍,使美国重新夺回被日本占据的电子产品市场。该方法在通用电气(GE)前任总裁杰克·韦尔奇的强力推行下,加快了GE公司的前进步伐,把GE公司从一个优秀的企业铸造成了一个卓越的企业,6SIGMA方法也因此而名声大震,为越来越多的公司所采用。
In the 1970s, the United States exclaimed: The United States, what the hell are you doing? (American, what went wrong!?) Because the Japanese automobile, electronics and other manufacturing products flood into the United States, and these industries are the most advantageous industries in the United States. Motorola, the largest manufacturer of electronic products in the United States, is also thinking hard. After careful study, Motorola has finally established a work plan that has gradually evolved into a systematic and mature method. Name: 6SIGMA. It has improved the quality of Motorola’s products and services by a factor of 10 during the first five years, allowing the United States to recapture the electronic product market occupied by Japan. The method was promoted by Jack Welch, former president of General Electric (GE), and accelerated the progress of GE. It casts GE from a good company into an outstanding company. The 6SIGMA method is also known as such. The earthquake was adopted by more and more companies.