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化学学科贴近生活,能够通过化学知识引发学生学习的兴趣,通过科学的实验研究培养学生的思考、创新、探究和观察等方面的能力。如果在课堂教学中,我们能将化学学科的生命魅力发挥出来,必然会激发师生的学习热情,创造出一个生机勃勃、师生同乐共进的生命性课堂。作为自然科学的一个重要组成部分,化学是从原子、分子层面上研究物质的组成、结构、性质及其变化规律的一门学科。现在,在与其它自然科学相互渗透的进程中化学在不 Chemistry is close to life and can arouse students’ interest in learning through chemical knowledge. Students can acquire the ability to think, innovate, explore and observe through scientific experimental research. If we can bring out the charm of life of chemistry subject in classroom teaching, we will inevitably stimulate the enthusiasm of teachers and students in learning and create a lively classroom in which students and students will go together with music. As an important part of natural science, chemistry is a discipline that studies the composition, structure, property and variation of matter at the atomic and molecular levels. Chemistry is now in the process of interpenetrating with other natural sciences
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生离死别是人一生中最痛苦的经历,所以不管是呼天抢地也好,克制隐忍也罢,只要是真情流露,都属正常反应。因为文化的差异,不同国家对死亡的认识是不同的,这也注定了葬礼仪式的不同。比如在美国的追悼会上,就几乎听不到号啕大哭,有的是鲜花、音乐,对逝者一生的回顾、礼赞和感恩,甚至还有笑声。  美国人家里有人去世后,具体事宜一般交给专门的殡仪馆处理,他们会根据家属的愿望安排所有细节,包括接送遗体、协助购买棺木(