Semi-solid extrusion of aluminum alloy ZL116

来源 :China Foundry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tobenumberone123
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The semi-solid forward-extruding feasibility of reheated ZL116 alloy cast by the near-liquidus semi-continuous casting process was studied by analyzing the microstructures and properties of forward-extruded bars. The results show that the microstructure of the ZL116 alloy billets cast by near-liquidus semi-continuous casting is mainly made up of homogeneous, fine global-or rosette-shaped grains. The microstructure of the billets, reheated and held at 575℃, contains stable and net-spherical grains which are suitable for semi-solid thixoforming. The semi-solid forward-extruded bars of the ZL116 alloy billet are facially smooth, microstructurally fine and homogeneous. Therefore the feasibility of semi-solid forward-extrusion of ZL116 alloy is thus excellent. The semi-solid forward-extruding feasibility of reheated ZL116 alloy cast by the near-liquidus semi-continuous casting process was studied by analyzing the microstructures and properties of forward-extruded bars. The results show that the microstructure of the ZL116 alloy billets cast by near-liquidus semi-continuous casting is mainly made up of homogeneous, fine global-or rosette-shaped grains. The microstructure of the billets, reheated and held at 575 ° C, contains stable and net-spherical grains which are suitable for semi-solid The semi-solid forward-extruded bars of the ZL116 alloy billet are facially smooth, microstructurally fine and homogeneous. Thus the feasibility of semi-solid forward-extrusion of ZL116 alloy is thus excellent.
家里的玄关上有两张照片,都是三口之家的合影.照片上的男孩都是10岁. 两张照片拍摄的时间相差30年左右,一张黑白,一张彩色.rn黑白照早已泛黄,上面留下了岁月的斑驳印记. 照片
也许是昨天,那方水土已经流失  也许河流已死,也许夏季正被河流推迟  也许野狼正带劲地舔着地下生锈的枪支  也许被我的舌尖吻圆的樱桃  还成熟在人迹罕至的栅栏外  也许五月里没有牛羊的牧草  正撑开荒野上石头砌的墓地  也许露水大量地繁衍  仿佛对每朵山花都有一份亏歉  而黑夜所捕获的萤火,在星光所铺开的道路上  一边游行着它的爱情,一边怀揣着它的不安  也许昨天,我向世界宣布了一个谎言  也许我
我是一台缝纫机,我清楚地记得,40年前的一天,有一个人把我带回了家.rn那天,我和同伴们被店老板擦得锃亮,等候买家们的光临. 这时,一位二十来岁的姑娘走了进来.她东看看,西摸