采用美国凯撒医疗集团开发的Kaiser模型,在武汉市第五医院开展灾害脆弱性分析,得出的前五位风险事件为:医闹、信息系统功能紊乱、停电、发电机故障和暴发疫情发生;针对目前“医闹”事件频发,笔者运用PDCA循环理论持续质量改进“医闹”应急管理,做到“医闹”应急预案全员知晓、保安人员限时到位、安保人员携带警具完好、警民联系方式畅通;这些改进后的结果集中体现在启动“医闹”应急预案的院级公众号-“1110”.“,”Emergeency management of medical violator events based on PDCA cycle theory.A questionnaire survey was conducted among the medical workers in the fifth hospital of wuhan Yichang ane Wuhan, Hubei Province, after a relevant training. Then a disaster vulnerability analysis was conducted, using the Kaiser model, the top 5 risk events were found as medical disturbance, information system disorders, power failure, generator breakdown, and outbreak of epidemic diseases. In order to solve the problem of medical disturbance, specific measures were adopted based on the PDCA cycle theory:a concrete plan was developed to deal with the possible event, the security personnel should rush to the scene with police tools , randomized check should be made to know the awareness rate of the emergency plan, arrival-on-time rate of the securey personnel, and serviceability rate of police tools carried. The report phone number was connected in series an simplifieed as“1110”.