Deformation and strength characteristics of soil depend on the effective stress state of soil skeleton and its history. Accurate determination of pore water pressure in soil can make us better use effective stress principle to solve practical engineering problems such as foundation pit. Using the equivalent consolidation stress u / p’_e in the theory of strength of the Fresnel strip to normalize the pore pressure in the triaxial test, it is proved that the pore pressure u / p’_e of the overconsolidated clay can be approximated to the stress ratio η Bilinear relationship. The normalized clay u / P’_e and η can be fitted with a straight line passing through the origin, and the coefficient C is related to the friction angle at failure. The relationship between pore pressure coefficient and stress ratio η is deduced from this linear relationship. Compared with the pore pressure coefficient derived from Cambridge model, we can see that the changing trend is consistent.