老师: 我有件事一直弄不明白,不知该向谁请教。看到了《教育诊断》这个栏目,心里很激动:这下有人帮我解除心里的困惑啦! 事情是这样的。去年春天,我组织了一次以培养幼儿爱护动物、保护动物的情感为目的的活动,对象是大班儿童开始我放了一段剪辑过的《动物世界》,然后请小朋友谈谈自己家的宠物,或自己最喜欢的动物,以及为什么喜欢它。之后,为了加深幼儿对动物重要性的认识,
Teacher: I have something I do not understand, I do not know who to consult. Saw the “education diagnosis” this section, my heart is very excited: someone under me to help relieve the confusion in my heart! This is the case. Last spring, I organized an activity to nurture children’s love of animals and the protection of animal emotions. I started with a large class of children and started a clip of “Animal World”. Then I asked my friends to talk about pets in their own home or Your favorite animal, and why you like it. Later, in order to deepen children’s understanding of the importance of animals,