The European eel with the initial body mass of (5.0 ± 0.5) g was immersed in water for 1 h at a concentration of 0.2 mg / L malachite green and then immersed in 0.1 mg / L malachite green for 24 h. 2 changes of water, each changing water 2/3, remove the contaminated fish, moved to the non-polluting cement pool, the other without the same specifications malachite green European eel as a control group, according to “pollution-free Europe Eel 鲡 rearing pond culture technical specifications ”for normal breeding management. The experimental group and the control group were regularly sampled from 10 eels. After the specifications were determined, the malachite green and the colorless malachite green residue in the eel, the malachite green and the colorless malachite were determined by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry Green method detection limit of 0.5μg / kg. The results showed that malachite green was not detected in the eel when the body weight of the fish reached 100g after culturing for 240 days, while the residual amount of malachite green remained at (2.2 ± 0.4) μg / kg. After cultured for 300 days, When the body mass of the fish reached 182g, the colorless malachite green was not detected; in the control group, neither malachite green nor the colorless malachite green residue was detected. Malachite green and colorless malachite green in the European eel body metabolism slowly, and the colorless malachite green in the eel body residue longer than malachite green, malachite green during seedling, can easily lead to malachite green in the eel Residues in finished products.