【摘 要】
Recently, EMC, Cisco and Oracle announced in Beijing together to jointly launch a new e-commerce architecture - ECO architecture. It is said that this architecture will provide very advanced integration technology, but also improve the performance of existing e-commerce architecture. The public is actually not that much interested in the complex technical systems that underpin the new economy. Some people boldly predict that by 2003 the global e-commerce market will reach 3.2 trillion U.S. dollars, so huge
Lead halide perovskites attracted a lot of attention in the last several years,with a focus gradually shifting from the record power conversion efficiencies rep
回顾了建国以来水力资源普查情况,给出了四川省最新调查成果;介绍了四川水电开发情况,列出了建国以来已、正建大、中型水电站,显示了辉煌的建设成就;展望了21 世纪初至2020 年四川水电开
The Republic of Slovenia lies at the heart of Europe where the Alps and the Mediterranean meet the Pannonian plains and the mysterious Karst. Slovenia has a po
We study the two-dimensional weak-coupling Fr o¨hlich polaron in a completely anisotropic quantum dot in a perpendicular magnetic field. By performing a unitar
尽管热喷涂具有无可否认的优点 ,但它毕竟是一种很费时间的工艺 ,同时用于预处理待喷涂工件的一些溶剂和喷射介质 ,会造成生态环境的问题。很多金属重新氧化的时间非常短 ,这
Zhu Qi, one of the representatives of the Cenozoic cr
康熙皇帝两次东狩吉林,乾 隆皇帝两次东狩吉林小白山,末 代皇帝溥仪也“巡幸”吉林小白 山,这里在雍正十一年(1733)建 成望祭殿,清朝三代皇帝为了望 祭满族发祥地长白山,都曾
踏入广告界,从一个 AE 开始,一晃已近十年。偶尔回首看看这十年,确实很感慨。在公司的成长过程中,自己的成长历程竟也清晰可见:对“广告”这两字所包含的内涵和心血,从一无