Changing face of hepatic encephalopathy:Role of inflammation and oxidative stress

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bright_123456789
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The face of hepatic encephalopathy(HE) is changing.This review explores how this neurocognitive disorder,which is associated with both acute and chronic liver injury,has grown to become a dynamic syndrome that spans a spectrum of neuropsychological impairment,from normal performance to coma.The central role of ammonia in the pathogenesis of HE remains incontrovertible.However,over the past 10 years,the HE community has begun to characterise the key roles of inflammation,infection,and oxidative/nitrosative stress in modulating the pathophysiological effects of ammonia on the astrocyte.This review explores the current thoughts and evidence base in this area and discusses the potential role of existing and novel therapies that might abrogate the oxidative and nitrosative stresses inflicted on the brain in patients with,or at risk of developing,HE. The face of hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is changing. This review explores how this this neurocognitive disorder, which is associated with both acute and chronic liver injury, has grown to become a dynamic syndrome that spans a spectrum of neuropsychological impairment, from normal performance to coma The central role of ammonia in the pathogenesis of HE remains incontrovertible. However, over the past 10 years, the HE community has begun to characterise the key roles of inflammation, infection, and oxidative / nitrosative stress in modulating the pathophysiological effects of ammonia on the astrocyte. This review explores the current thoughts and evidence base in this area and discusses the potential role of existing and novel therapies that might abrogate the oxidative and nitrosative stresses inflicted on the brain in patients with, or at risk of developing, HE.
树立社会主义荣辱观意义重大,要深刻理解“八荣八耻”的内涵和要求,狠抓落实,重在实践,从我做起,从身边小事做起。 It is of great significance to establish a socialist
在提到“自杀”这个沉重的话题前,让我们先来看几个真实的例子:2003年4月12日,未成年人丁婷(化名)在其就读的学校教学楼跳楼自杀,经医院抢救 Before we talk about the heav
摘 要:目的:考察日本动漫与高中生心理、行为的关系以及内外控人格特征的作用。方法:用自编的关于日本动漫对高中生心理健康影响的问卷和Rotter的“内在-外在心理控制源量表”对某中学266名高中生进行调查。结果:日本动漫对该校高中生的认知和行为产生了一定的负面影响,但在情感方面负面影响较小,且内控型学生在各方面受到的影响均小于外控型学生。结论:应加强对日本动漫的管理和对学生的正确引导。  关键词:日