苍南县积极探索多渠道的科技合作,通过充分利用大专院校、科研院所的人才资源和科技成果,促进了科技创新和技术进步,取得了较好的经济和社会效益。一、建立浙大博士后苍南科技开发基地,搭建校个合作桥梁 针对本县企业科技人才严重不足的实际,县科技局积极牵线搭桥,县政府与浙大研究生院签订了科技
Cangnan actively explored multi-channel scientific and technological cooperation and promoted scientific and technological innovation and technological progress by making full use of human resources and technological achievements of tertiary institutions and research institutes and achieved good economic and social benefits. First, the establishment of Zhejiang University Cangnan post-doctoral scientific and technological development base, set up a cooperation bridge A serious shortage of science and technology enterprises in the county for the actual, County Science and Technology Bureau actively matchmaking, the county government and Zhejiang University Graduate School signed a technology