走入现代化的北京城,令我们感触最深的往往不是那鳞次栉比的高楼大厦、四通八达的宽马路,而是那曲折幽深的小小胡同。胡同里的街巷,是北京旧城肌理构成的重要元素之一。长久以来,“街巷”包含着老北京人工作、居住、娱乐和休闲的所有可能。但是它们占据的空间有限,甚至极为狭小,已经无法再满足现代人的生活需求。本设计选址于老北京胡同里的一块60m x 30m的场地。场地内并不存在标准的四合院空间,一条条狭窄
Into the modern Beijing city, so that we feel the deepest is often not that row upon row of high-rise buildings, wide road extending in all directions, but the winding little alley. Alley in the streets, is an important element of the composition of the old city of Beijing. For a long time, “Street ” contains all the possible work, residence, entertainment and recreation of old Beijingers. However, they occupy a limited space, or even very narrow, and can no longer meet the needs of modern life. The design site in the old Beijing alley in a 60m x 30m site. There is no standard courtyard space within the venue, narrow one