春季是香菇的盛产期,气温逐渐升高,温差大,降雨多,管理的重点是控好温湿度,做好通风防霉工作,及时补充水分,后期结合补水添加适量营养物,提高产量。1喷水管理要看天在晴天菌筒表皮稍干时喷水,一般在上午采完菇后,用喷雾器往菌筒表面喷水,晾30 min后覆盖薄膜。注意阴雨天不喷,采前不喷,菌筒湿润不喷。2菇床盖膜要灵活每天结合采菇揭膜通风,采后盖膜。
Spring is the rich period of mushrooms, the temperature gradually increased, the temperature difference, rainfall, the management of the key is to control the temperature and humidity, ventilation and mildew work, timely replenishment of water, add the amount of nutrients in the late combined with water to increase production. 1 spray water management depends on the days in the sunny tube slightly dry epidermis water, mushrooms generally collected in the morning, spray the surface of the tube with a sprayer to spray water, cover the film after drying 30 min. Pay attention to rainy days do not spray, before the injection is not sprayed, bacteria tube wet does not spray. 2 Mushroom bed cover film to be flexible every day combined with mushroom ventilation, post-harvest cover film.