当梅赛德斯-奔驰的全新无人驾驶概念汽车F015Luxury in Motion亮相在拉斯维加斯的2015年世界消费电子展(CES)上。人们惊呼,“我们看到了一辆来自未来的汽车。”这辆无人驾驶的概念汽车向人们展示了作为汽车发明者的奔驰在无人驾驶、车与交通实现移动互联深度融合的前瞻技术。让我们来仔细品味下这款来自未来的汽车。它采取了清洁环保的氢燃料作为动力,借助先进的传感系统Extended Sense,具备自主信息探测、解读甚至是和外
When Mercedes-Benz’s new driverless concept car F015Luxury in Motion unveiled at the 2015 World Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. People exclaimed, “We saw a car coming from the future.” This unmanned concept car shows people that Mercedes-Benz, the inventor of the car, is deeply immersed in the unmanned, car-to-mobile convergence of mobility. Forward-looking technology. Let us carefully savor this car from the future. It takes a clean and environmentally friendly hydrogen fuel as the driving force, with the advanced sensing system Extended Sense, with independent information detection, interpretation and even outside