This method is for analysis of SEM + EDX or SEM + WDX instruments. The method is based on the information detected by the SEM secondary electron detector and integrated EDX information. Let the secondary electron detector detect the information current is I_s; then: I_s = i_1 + i_2 + i_3 + i_4 Where: i_1 is the pure secondary electron current generated by the incident beam excitation sample. i_2 is the portion of the backscattered electron current within the solid angle of the SE detector. i_3 is the pure secondary electron current produced by backscattered electrons as they escape from the sample surface. i_4 is the pure secondary electron current generated by the backscattered electrons on the vacuum wall and the sample holder. Controlling the size and energy of I_s and dI_s can change the characteristic and scattering area of the image. Since di_3 and di_4 are much smaller than di_1 and di_2, dI_s can be considered as di_1 and di_2. We can change di_1 / di_2 to get the physical and chemical properties of the sample. Integrated EDX or WDX provided