精彩课堂由我创 ——浅谈情景创设在Conversation中的运用

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语言是人们交流思想、传递信息、相互沟通的交际工具。语言的使用离不开特定的语境,只有在不同的语境中培养学生说的能力,学生在真实的交际环境中才能准确,得体地用英语进行交际。Friends With English教材中Conversation设计的主要目的是训练学生说的能力。因此教师在课堂上尽可能创设真实的语言环境,让学生尽可能多说是很有必要的。本文从教学Conversation中如何创设情景以及在教授过程中应注意的问题进行了一些探讨和研究。 Language is a communicative tool for people to exchange ideas, communicate information and communicate with each other. The use of language is inseparable from the specific context, only in a different context to develop the ability of students to speak, students in a real communicative environment can accurately and properly in English to communicate. The main purpose of the Conversation design in Friends With English is to train students’ abilities. Therefore, teachers in the classroom as far as possible to create a real language environment, so that students as much as possible is necessary. This article discusses how to create scenarios from teaching Conversation and the problems that should be paid attention to during the teaching process.
Daily report is a common way that is used by English teachers to involve students in class and also provides students a good chance to practice English. A good daily report can leave a good impression
【摘要】随着国际之间交流的逐渐深入,英语作为一种工具性语言,在跨文化交流中的重要性不言而喻。初中阶段是培养学生英语听说读写能力,提高英语素养的基础阶段,但是在长期传统教学模式的制约下,许多教师在课堂训练中习惯将更多注意力集中在知识讲解和阅读练习上,而忽视了对英语口语的训练,基于此,本文从任务型教学法入手,结合教学实际对初中英语口语教学进行分析,以期对提高初中生英语口语能力有所助益。  【关键词】任