在一个诸强争霸的顶级细分市场中,客观存在的“时间差”往往是一个令参与者既头疼又无解的问题。比如这一次,当全新一代奔驰S级(W222)全面革新之后,就该轮到BMW 7系(F01/02)和奥迪A8(D8)紧张了。好在相比已经处于产品生命周期后半段的7系,稍晚一步更新的A8还有一次中期改款的机会,尽管这种计划内的facelift无法根据对手见机行事,也不能产生焕然一新的效果,但小改怡情总比无动于衷来得务实。而落空到新A8身上,“英戈尔施塔特(Ingolstgdt)灯具厂”的设计师们当然将很重要的部
In a top tier of hegemony, objective “time difference” is often a problem that causes both headaches and solvers. For example, this time, when the new generation of Mercedes-Benz S-Class (W222) is completely redesigned, it is time for the BMW 7 Series (F01 / 02) and Audi A8 (D8) to be strained. Fortunately, there is another chance for a mid-term facelift, compared to the 7 Series, which is already in the second half of the product life cycle, although the planned facelift can not act according to the adversary and can not produce a new look. , But minor changes in feeling more than indifferent to be pragmatic. And fell to the new A8 body, “Ingolstgdt lamps factory ” designers of course will be a very important department