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  My 12-year-old son Harry yelled: “Mum, we have to go to Rome! We had a lesson about 1)Julius Caesar today and I want to see the 2)Colosseum.”
  Handing him a pen, I said: “Put it on the list on the wall.”
  “If we’re going there, can we visit 3)Pompeii?” asked my daughter Beth, who’s nine.
  I told her, she could go anywhere she wanted, and the pair began 4)brainstorming about all the places in Italy they’d like to see. Ten minutes later we had six additions to the list.

  This “list” is not some 5)pie in the sky; it’s a chart of the places we intend to visit in a round-the-world trip my family is taking.
  On 14 July my husband Joe and I, along with our children—Beth, Harry, Luke and Arthur—will head off for the adventure of a lifetime: 18 months traveling around the globe. Instead of flying from one location to the next, we will be driving in a specially converted 6)Leyland Tiger coach which will be our home for the entire time.
  Ever since we got married in 1990, Joe and I have talked about seeing the world. When our children were younger this idea had to be put aside, but Joe and I still talked about places we wanted to see.
  We both have flexible careers. Joe is a lighting designer for events and stage plays, and I’m an actress. In 2005 we began planning our round-the-world trip. First, we needed to raise funds. That November we sold our seven-bedroom home for £425,000 and moved into a rented house. We used the profit from the sale to pay off our loans and debts, and were left with £70,000.
  To many, this must seem 7)drastic—to let go of the financial security we’ve built up over the years for an 18-month trip, but we’ve felt it is worth the sacrifice. In a few years Luke will want to go off and do his own thing, so it is a case of 8)now or never. Both Joe and I are 9)resourceful, so we’re not worried about how we will survive when we get back.
  By this time, we’d been discussing our thoughts with the children, bouncing ideas off them. It was great to see them so enthusiastic about how we’d go about it.
  Next, we considered the 10)logistics. We knew it would take 18 months to 11)squeeze in everything we wanted to do, so that meant the kids would have to come out of school.
  Dealing with currency and exchange rates will require a bit of maths, and there will be lots of foreign languages and cultures to absorb. History and geography will play a big part, too.
  We then started thinking about how we’d get from A to B. Ideally, we would have used 12)Winnebago, but at £100,000 they were too expensive. It was Joe who suggested converting an old coach.

  This might sound daunting but, being a
  designer, Joe is incredible at creating things. In May 2006 we bought a 1987 Leyland Tiger Coach online for £4,500. Joe designed a layout with six beds at its rear, a kitchen and four desks at the front where the children could study. The desks 13)hook up to a satellite phone and internet connection, so that the children will be able to access an online learning program wherever we are. There is also a shower room and toilet. Lights are powered by a generator in the coach’s original luggage compartment under the bus, which also houses two water tanks.
  We then started drawing up the route. This hasn’t been finalized because we keep adding places. So far the plan is to tour Europe, then head down the east coast of Africa to South
  Africa, taking in Kenya and 14)Mozambique. In South Africa we will catch a boat to Brazil—a voyage that will take several days—then drive up through America and Canada, where we will catch a boat to New Zealand—another week-long journey. From there we head to Australia, then up to the Far East, taking in Thailand and Malaysia. On the 15)home straight to the UK we’ll stop off in India and 16)Oman, then work our way back through Europe.
  Lots of people have said that we are mad to embark on such a massive trip, leaving behind
  everything we’ve built up back in England. I realize this kind of lifestyle wouldn’t suit everyone, but I’m sure it will all work out for us.
  In today’s society people are 17)conditioned to accumulate wealth, houses, cars—and to plan the rest of their lives. I hope we’ll be getting the chance to experience much more interesting and worthwhile ways of life, untainted by the desire for fame, fortune.
  This will be especially good for the children who will receive a much wider education than they could get at home. I hope that what we’re planning will give our children a wealth of fabulous expe-riences, along with a lifetime of happy memories we can share for years to come.

Hendrick Hamel, a Dutch sailor, published a journal describing his and his mates’ 13-year detainment on Jeju-do after wrecking their 3)yacht, the Sperwer, in 1653. Even then, the wonder of the haenyo
为了让生活更方便更轻松,人们不断研究开发先进的机器来代替人类。然而就在人类尽情享受便利的时候,也不得不付出相应的“代价”——为便利买单。“嬉笑怒骂皆是文章”,本文作者是位幽默大师,他用诙谐有趣的语言给我们讲述了银行ATM收取高额跨行取款服务费给他造成的诸多不便,并对此表示强烈抗议!不知道诸位读者读后,会不会有所共鸣呢?^o^  ——Maisie    Withdrawing money from
The army of elephants stood stiffly, alert and 3)imposing, their powerful gray 4)silhouettes facing our open-air 5)Land Cruiser. It was our second night on safari, and the sky was dark and 6)forebodin
主题札记:  那晚,心情有些烦躁,于是很自然地就拿起了桌上的大学毕业纪念册。捧着它,一页一页地读,已经远去的大学时光顿时历历在目:白云山、相思河、图书馆、白千层树……虽然已经走出大学,但心始终牵挂并留恋着那美丽宁静的校园。  从懵懂地向往大学到亲身体验大学生活的点点滴滴,再到告别斑斓五彩的校园,走进社会这所更大的“大学”,这期间有欢笑,有泪水,有收获,也有遗憾……但毫无疑问,这是我们人生中一段最宝
2006年5月,英国登山者大卫·夏普在第三次攀登珠穆朗玛峰时遇上暴风雪,氧气耗尽,生命垂危。在接下来的一段时间里,大约有40名登山者从他身边经过,但没有一个人伸出援手。这40多个人中,其中有一位是新西兰的无腿登山者,他在登上珠峰之颠的时候,感觉自己“像是上了天”!然而,同时许多人指责他的人道和品格是“下了地狱”。  此事在世界范围内引起广泛关注和讨论——究竟是人的生命重要,还是征服这座全世界所有登
离家读大学后,最想念的就是家里那个长长的院子,爸妈在里面种了各式各样的花花草草。从春天枝头吐出第一缕嫩芽到深秋时节落叶飘零,院子里就陆续开满了迎春花、月季、牡丹、芍药……除此之外,还有樱桃树、石榴树、无花果以及满满一架遮盖了整个院子上空的葡萄树。这个小小的院子里的各色花草,经由爸妈的悉心照料,在不同的时节释放出不同的芬芳,绽放出不同的色彩。朵朵蕴情,片片含意。  于是,多少个想家的夜晚,思念的除了
Cross the border  Into the big bad world  Where it takes you about an hour  Just to cross the road  Just to 1)stumble across another poor old soul   From the 2)dreary old lanes to the high-street madn
她,17岁时为了逃脱别人为她设定的“单纯”、“可爱”的框框,毅然决然地选择离开当时红透半边天的《七重天》剧组,并不惜为杂志拍摄半裸封面。  她,荣登“全球最性感的女人”、“全球最热辣的女星”之列。  她,获得了“性感女神”称号之后,又不断在公众面前展示其“严肃”、“大气”、“正经”的形象。  她,美国流行乐坛小天王贾斯汀·汀布莱克最新一任女友。  此般尤物正是杰西卡·贝尔!当好莱坞的大门不断向她敞
本来是给自己画了一个圈,在只有自己的圈里体验着自己的酸甜苦辣。突然有一天,这个圈被打开了一个口子,你和另一个圈有了交集,你很荣幸地被邀请进入其中,去分享他或她的欢乐与忧虑。于是,原本孤独甚至干涸的心,顿时找到了从未有过的兴奋和欣喜——一份难得的尊重和信赖。这是多么重要啊!他人的爱和信赖会使人变得自信,并重新找到对自我的认同感。天真无邪的孩子尤其如此。当爱和信赖充满心间,生活就变得不再苍白!  ——