大美盱眙 令人着迷的民间文化瑰宝

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盱眙,古迹众多,人文积淀深厚。其间,有四五万年前旧石器时代的“下草湾文化”;有两千多年的建县历史,长期是都、郡、州、军、县的治所。因此,衍生了许多著名的民间音乐,流传着许多古老的有趣故事。盱眙民间文化的“宝贝”丰富多彩、千姿百态:新四军时期在盱眙黄花塘、穆店一带流传的《白菜心》等歌谣,不仅填补了江苏民歌的空白,它的旋律和演唱方式对民间音乐研究都具有重要的参考价值,为民间文学、民俗音乐的研究提供了宝贵的财富。盱眙名菜“重八烧鹅”则与朱元璋的身世与喜好相关,历史上都有传承。 盱 眙, many monuments, cultural heritage deep. In the meantime, forty to fifty thousand years ago, Paleolithic “under the grass Bay culture”; has more than two thousand years of history of Jian County, long-term, all, county, state, military and county governor. Therefore, derived from many famous folk music, circulating many ancient interesting stories.盱 眙 folk culture “Baby ” colorful, mix of different poses: the New Fourth Army period in the Xun Huang Huan Tong, Mu shop area around the “cabbage heart” and other songs, not only to fill the gap in Jiangsu folk songs, melodies and singing its way of folk music Research has important reference value, which provides precious wealth for the study of folk literature and folk music.盱 眙 famous dishes “heavy eight goose ” and the emperor’s life experience and preferences related to history have a heritage.
This paper presents a new way to extract concept that can be used to improve text classification performance (precision and recall). The computational measure
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